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Advent Theme/Thème de L'Avent

I will be posting short reflections in connection to the gospel readings each Sunday of Advent until Christmas. The reflections will highlight the year of mercy. An advent programme has also been made. If anyone is interested, I can send it through email. Contact me on my email: It is also available in French and Italian. God bless and may all of us have a meaningful celebration of the advent season!



(Luke 1:28)

Archangel Gabriel’s salutation to Mary “Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favour!” undoubtedly is also addressed to all of humanity, the aim of God’s abundant mercy. This is a cause for rejoicing and exaltation on our part because of the great love that God constantly gives us! The annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a pivotal event in the history of salvation, the fulfillment of God’s plan to save humanity. It is the apex of God the Father’s expression of mercy to all. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived Jesus. In the immaculate conception of Mary, she had been preserved from sin, which employed the merits of the grace of Jesus’ own incarnation. As such, it is fitting to begin this year of mercy in the feast of the Immaculate Conception, where the promise of God of a Saviour unfolds in the Divine intervention to Mary, who is conceived without sin and who has remained sinless.

Réjouis-toi, toi qui aimes la faveur de Dieu!

(Luc 1:28)

L'Annonciation à la Vierge Marie est un événement clé dans l'histoire du salut, l'accomplissement du plan de Dieu pour sauver l'humanité. Il est le sommet de l'expression de Dieu, le Père de miséricorde à tous. Il convient donc de commencer cette année de miséricorde, à la fête de l'Immaculée Conception, où la promesse de Dieu d'un Sauveur se déroule dans l'intervention divine pour Marie, qui est conçue sans péché et qui est restée sans péché. La salutation de l'Archange Gabriel à Marie: "Réjouis-toi, comblée de la grâce de Dieu!" sans aucun doute, s’adresse également à l'ensemble de l'humanité, qui est le but de l'abondante miséricorde de Dieu, une cause de réjouissance et d'exaltation de notre part pour l'amour que Dieu nous donne constamment.

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